Monday, May 16, 2011

Chicken Coop

We've had to face a lot of changes with our move to Madison. It was hard to leave the PA farm house behind. But we're determined to maintain some of our old hobbies. This chicken coop is the product of my springtime "nesting" phase with Baby X. Started with an old dog house and got to work in the basement while it was still wintery outside. Much of the material was salvaged from scraps in the basement. Asa played with Matchbox cars and learned about some basic shop tools. Finally got the thing painted and fenced over the weekend while Ezra was home to keep Asa away from wet paint and the staple gun. Can't wait to pick up some chickens with Asa this week. I can tell he's excited too. He already knows how to open the door to the coop and fits easily inside the run.

Can't wait to put some hens in there! We're allowed five in Madison, but I think we'll just get four.

The base provides some shady space for the ladies and is the right height for hay bale insulation in the winter.

Two laying boxes on either side and handles for moving the coop around the yard.

A little flair for the rear air vent.

The rubber strips will keep rain from dripping in where the laying box doors are attached.


Memere said...

We are very impressed!! You get that ability from the Cournoyers for sure! Very clever. Can't wait to see it ...and you all in person. Memere

Uncle Q said...

(With apologies to Joyce Kilmer:)
I think that I have never seen
a chicken coop to neat and clean.
Poems are made by us poor fools,
but you knew how to use the tools!
Congratulations !

Uncle Q said...

That was supposed to be SO neat and clean!

Audrey said...

The hens have moved in... photos coming soon!

Uncle Q said...

The missing 2nd and 3rd lines of the poem "Coops" were found in the wastebasket:
A coop whose door will open wide to let a curious child inside,
A coop who may in summer bear a nest of chickens under there...
(Then) Poems are made by us poor fools,
but you knew how to use the tools!
Well done!