A field report from Nicole and Jason.
Every Memorial Day weekend we attend a themed picnic hosted by our friend, Jon. It's a full day of food, fun, and the occasional adult beverage. Earlier themes include Magnum Tiki (as in Magnum P.I.), Pirate Party, Redneck Party, and Zombie Bash. This year was the Hepcat Lounge and Chili Cookoff. Themed attire is always a big hit. Nicole spent a lot of time picking out a dress and figuring out how to put a 50s-style curl in her bangs. I think she came out looking nifty. I bought a hat a Walmart.
Our friend, Bryan, conducted a "Man Test" in which participants had to eat a Scotch Bonnet pepper that had been soaked in tequila for a few days and then drink a shot of the pepper-infused liquor. Nicole and I skipped the test because we had not studied.