Thursday, June 3, 2010

Asa eats


Shulammite said...

that's amazing. i don't think i tasted an avocado until i was in college. that kid is way advanced.

Memere said...

He really gets it, doesn't he!! Asa, you are one smart kid!

Uncle Q said...

I just totally love the "Give me back the spoon." action! Methinks it represents a Cournoyer gene kicking in --maybe good, maybe not. Shulammite beat me to my intended response a day ago, that I did not encounter an avocado until graduate school! I could not eat it when my boyfriend, Quentin, and I were served at my advisor's home. Now, I love them! Yea, Asa is way advanced!

Uncle Q said...

(Blanche is commenting under my name. I must help her to get her own spot. I'm sure you can tell the difference.)